Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I crashed my car into a truck...

Saturday I had a cozy and friendly chat
with this wonderful creative soul I met
She and the market we attended
inspired me, so my creative blockage ended
Full of spirit, energy and ideas
I drove home with great ease...
But with a head so full and somewhere else
I didn't see the alarm bells...
I had crashed my car into a truck
but all in all I had great luck
not me, nor any other human soul got in any pain
too bad for my car, I can't say the same...
It's not good, it's wrecked, it's bad
oh what a great car I had...
So I went to bed with puffy eyes
all day I had ''the cries''.
But let me tell you something here,
my happiness is what is most dear,
I could say 2013 is a year of bad luck
but that would get me all stuck...
I see it as a year of chances
a year with balancing acts and dances
These are the chances I see,
will you think along with me?
I get to ride my bicycle more and longer
and that will only make me stronger
All these options lay at my feet,
all these opportunities I will meet:
I get to live without a car
and see if it will get me far
I maybe get to buy a motorbike
one of those vintage ones I like...

Things are what you make them out to be
but not always easy, if you ask me.
This is quite a bummer,
but all in all, I had a great summer!
Look at some pictures of the past weeks
this is a downer, but I had great peaks!

Me and the little boy from next door,
did a swap:
He got a pancake
 and I got fresh picked berries.
That worked fine for me!
Herbs from the garden!
Delicious in a freshly prepared wok!


I loved spending time with old friends, new friends
and my lovely family!

I tasted the most fresh berries ever!
Straight from the bush...
Loved biking over and
watering Maria's awesome garden!
(And sometimes
taking some produce home)


A little bit of crafting (like this chalk board I made)
and just some enjoying the beautiful and pretty life.
It says: ''Beautiful, right? ... everything!''

I found a great yoga school in Lier
and already learned a lot!
And practised some :)
Got to wear my vintage yellow boots,
because the sun was out!

Another tiny craft project: I think/hope I made some one happy with it...
In the front:
''Your mind is like a parachute... it only functions when open'' Frank Zappa.
This little piece of crazy
has to be part
of a successful summer, of course!
A market or two
with my lovely sister
and the little one.

Great weather in Belgium,
so as many outside drinks as possible!
Summer was in our garden
and it was great!
Frozen yoghourt in Greece...
Oh yes!




  1. Hi, Katrien! It was too bad to hear about what happened to your car, but at least nobody was hurt and all of you are fine. It's good that you were able to find the good things out of the bad, and continue seeing things in their positive light. By the way, I like how you poetically wrote this entry. Thank you for sharing your story, and please stay positive!
    Joellen @ Young\'s Collision

    1. Dear Joellen,
      Thank you so much for reading and for leaving your very sweet comment! YES! Seeing things in their positive light is so very important and I try my best to always do so... there is something positive in everything and everyone! Thank you for sharing some of YOUR positive with me! Hope you are doing wonderful! Kind regards! Katrien
