Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A lot of ahaa's

Studying the yogic history, knowledge, ideas, believes, wisdom, ...
I feel a lot of ''ahaas's''... I feel excitement and curiosity. 
A lot of it makes sence. A lot of it are things I believe in.
I am too much of a beginner to grasp everything and to understand everything to the fullest...
but this feels like what I've been looking for...
Balance, health, connection, bliss, love, ...
I am not there yet, I have a long way to walk...
but I feel like I opened a door...

My room at Ananda Seva.


  1. Moeke,

    och, wat een leuk bureautje!

    1. Ja he! Het stond eerst in een andere kamer en ik heb nogal moeten sleuren, maar ik zit er elke dag aan, dus het was zeker de moeite waard!

  2. Absorb as much as you can, I'm looking forward to you teaching it to me!

    1. Oh I'm absorbing! Absorbing like a sponge! And looking forward to sharing it with you!
