Saturday, June 9, 2012

Gul met azul...

Azul, blue, blauw...  I am loving it!
The sky is so blue here in Villa De Leyva, Colombia...
and there is just so much of it.
It goes on and on.

The bathroom in Hospederia Nueva Granada is so blue.
Like I am washing my face on a cloud.

My soapdish in our blue, blue bathroom.

The Pozos Azules (holes dug by men, that are now a tourist attraction because of their special blue colour) are the brightest blue. They stand out in the brown desert area.

That special colour blue... I was so amazed by it, I had to share it to the world and talked about it on a Colombian TV show. Really I did...
For the full story, check out Tims blog:


  1. astrid bryan zou zeggen "how cool is that"

    katrien geweldig wat je allemaal meemaakt en beleeft

    1. Ha! Das waar dat zou Astrid zeggen :)
      Dank je wel Bianca, en super dat je even langskwam!!!!

      Heel veel groetjes!

  2. That sounds awesome! I want to wash my face on a cloud!
