Friday, I left the yoga center and got on a bus to San Francisco.
It was a long busride, espacially bathroomwise... But thanks to the amazing help from Eric from Santa Rosa, who I met on the bus (and who must have seen the nervousness on my face, little did he know it wasn't about finding the place, but finding a bathroom in time), I got off at the right stop and found the Asian Art Museum.
I met up with Cheryl there and she made sure I was all comfortable again, so we could start our wonderful day!
Picture from the gift store at the asian Art Museum.
I was too occupied in the museum itself! |
... had a delicious lunch at the Asian Art Museum, including Cheryls first mango lassi
... walked around in the museum. It felt like walking meditation... So peaceful!
Ceiling at City Hall San Francisco. |
... visited City Hall and watched the newlyweds and the brides dresses
... drove to the ''de Young Legion of Honor Museum'' and stared at the amazing views over the bridge, the water, the nature...
... found a lot of ''Jan''-painters in the Flemish and Dutch rooms
... got to know some American artists and were amazed by the beautiful and chic temporary exibition of the ''Victorian Avant-Garde''
Outside of the ''Legion of Honor''.
... had dinner at the Beach Chalet, with view over the beach, ocean and the brilliant sunlight and had the best Lemonade, ever!
... loved San Francisco!
Thank you Cheryl for showing me these lovely places and for the wonderful woman's day!